Thursday, March 13, 2008


Does the time change bother you as much as it does me? I have such a difficult time adjusting to the "spring forward". Sometimes I don't really get used to it until the "fall back" is due.
Has any governmental agency ever done a study on how much work efficiency is lost because of the time change? They probably don't want anything to prove that it's a pretty stupid thing to do. I know I am not the only one it bothers. And I know it affects my work. I am so tired, I just don't get as much done and I certainly don't concentrate well.
I talked to the director the our sleep lab about it once and he said that he sees people every week who are suffering from lack of sleep because of the time change. He says they are usually people (like me) who have very strong circadian rhythms.
So I'm taking an herbal supplement called Mid Nite, which is basically melatonin and some lemon grass and stuff, to help me get to sleep. I hope it works tonight. I didn't get to sleep until after 12:20 (oops! that was 1:20) this morning and I have to go into work tomorrow at 8:30 for a meeting. Sleep is becoming a priority. Haven't had 8 straight hours since Friday night.
'Night, y'all.

1 comment:

Bumbleebee82 said...

This isn't the same for me unless I have my alarm set, but I have one of those atomic alarm clocks, and it's the only clock in the house I have to change the time to every 6 months. Arizona doesn't do the time change. I did get up an hour early last Sunday because of that alarm... I guess it was okay though since my nose was so stuffed up I couldn't sleep anyway... but I can't even anticipate the time change because if I change it beforehand (Like before I go to bed), I still end up getting up and hour earlier, because it does it all by itself... time for a new alarm clock...