Thursday, March 20, 2008

Damien ~~ Hugs and Kisses

Damien, my Doodle-Bug, just left for school. Big, warm hugs. Lots of kisses. He sure was snuggly this morning. All that warm, pure baby-love. I know he's not a baby anymore, but that 5 year old innocence is so wonderful. He assured me that he would hug and kiss me tonight when he went to bed.

He is torn about going to see his cousin Katherine during spring break. He wants to stay with his mommy and daddy, but is so excited about going to see Katherine and Ethan and his Uncle Chris (the SOLDIER!!!) . . . (who has a real GUN!!!) . . . (and wears a UNIFORM!!!) and Aunt Suzanne (yes, Suz, you are an after thought). He has never been to visit them before and really wants to see where his cousins live.

When Chris and Suzanne still lived here, one year when they went to the Marine Corps Ball, they came by to show off their regalia. Suzanne was trying to get Damien to kiss her, but he kept stepping around her and gazing up at Chris with these huge, round eyes. There is nothing like a Marine in his dress blues!

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Ok, so I'm an afterthought to everyone right now, except for Ethan, LOL. Ethan's a mama's boy :)