Monday, July 7, 2008

3M Update

We had a 3M update scheduled for today. 11:00 to 1:00. So I came home. Last time it took until right at 2:00 to complete the update. There is no way I was going to sit around for 2 hours waiting for the system to come back up. Right now it is 3:09 and we're still waiting. AND we're on mandatory overtime. Which means we have lost at least 4 hours of prime worktime.

Does anyone see the irony here? At least I've done a couple of loads of laundry.


Bumbleebee82 said...

Geez... you guys are never going to get caught up... you'd think in this day and age, they'd have all these problems licked in no time... but yet, so much drama...

GiGi said...

The system didn't come up until a little after 8:00 Monday night and then we had problems Tuesday until about 10. So no I am not a happy camper right now!

Bumbleebee82 said...

And do you still have to take the blame for being behind? Why is it so difficult to get a system that works?